This is the world famous( I am not quite sure about it) Aranmula Metal Mirror. This is not a glass mirror as the name indicates. This stands odd from other mirrors, as there exist no other mirror in the world like this. This is made of a particular combination of metals- copper and lead, where a minute change in the ratio would alter the whole thing.
Interesting thing is that, only one family in the whole world knows the secret of the make of the mirror. The master craftsman of the family, often the senior male member holds the technical know how, and pass it on to next generation when the time is ripe.
Manufacturing of this Dravidian mirror started in the early 18 th century, and unlike ordinary silicon mirrors the images are reflected and not refracted. Infact this is a marvel in the ancient metallurgy which can still make you look at the archaic technology with wonder...
what can i say..its beautiful..
A dravidian mirror....! I dont think so! Keeping the secret and passing it to the apt blooming generation is not something dravidian! It clearly shows some aryan psuedo chauvinism..Varna based discrimination of jobs, the purification of genes! Anyway the myth gives some beauty to the mirror. I agree and is a real wonder too
Beautiful mirror. Interesting history. I can't tell from the shot, but does it reflect true or with a beautiful golden tone?
Wow--I've never heard of this before. How interesting. How beautiful. How intriguing.
The technology is indeed dravidian... but everything is aryanised here dont you know that Nifih...?
Clytie- It reflect true images... no golden tone ,
It has been a while but you visited my blog. I am now making it through my messages and just wanted to say thanks for coming past my place. Come often .. bring friends :)
I agree man...But still some doubts over there...Anyway its our pride!
Aranmula Mirrors are the very unique mirrors in this entire world.
www.aranmulamirror.com/shop to view the beautiful aranmula mirrors.
Great article, good to hear the very traditional aranmula kannadi.
i read some information from
www.aranmulamirror.com and www.aranmulakannadi.org about this mirrors.
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