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Thursday, August 21, 2008


In Intimate relationships
The little things are big things.


Its Human nature to incline towards recognition, and everyone needs it.
Even though it sound a simple word , it symbolize recognition. Give your friend the due recognition, which you may feel not necessary as long as they are your friends.
Aneesh is my friend, who once helped me to get a letter from his office, which was of great importance to me. I called him and sought his help to get it that day itself. It was a normal official business for him., but when I got the letter, I expressed my gratitude by giving him a sweet along with a word of thanks.

Later he told me that he used to help so many friends, but no one cared to recognize it and continued telling me like, he felt as if no other friend ever loved him as I did , on that day

The bottom line is, when I recognized his service beyond friendship, he was feeling like exalted; and I learned with ruptures in my heart that recognition is an important thing in relationship

When your friend is devoting his valuable time ,talent and doing things for you he says silently that he loves you. Because no one will take pain to help a stranger except on a few occasions. So please be kind enough to recognize his service, even though we may think , why all these bullshit formalities among friends? Let me ask if you are unable to show these formalities to your friend, to whom else would you serve it in order to express your love and respect for him....?

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